20 July 2005

Google Moon - Lunar Landing Sites

Google Moon - Lunar Landing Sites

This is a wonderful tribute! You can get closer and closer and even closer to the moon. Don't get TOO close!


Virus exploits London Tube bombs

Virus writers are using the London bombings to spread malicious programs.

A Windows virus has been created that claims to link to amateur video footage of the aftermath of one of the bombs on the London Underground.

Read the full story at BBC NEWS | Technology

19 July 2005

ALCHEMY group: chaos governing computers?

One might think that the complex microchips that govern modern computers behave in a precise, predetermined way. For the members of the ALCHEMY research group at the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA), they behave in a chaotic, unpredictable way, comparable the weather.

Read the full story at CORDIS: News service

Homeowners Ask U.S. Supreme Court: Rehear Eminent Domain Case OR A Snowballs Chance...

Washington, D.C.-The U.S. Supreme Court has one final chance to correct one of its most-despised decisions in recent memory-its ruling in Kelo v. City of New London, which allows the use of eminent domain for private development. Today the Institute for Justice will file a petition for rehearing on behalf of New London, Conn., homeowners asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider its 5-4 ruling from June 23 that has already opened up the floodgates to eminent domain abuse.

Read the full story at: The Free Liberal

14 July 2005

send books to soldiers/sailors...

Drop by http://www.givebooks.us/ to see how FedEx now offers free shipping when you send books to a volunteer group that then redistributes where they are wanted most. Led in part by SF author Lawrence M. Schoen (a noted authority on Klingonese), this is an effort all literate people should get behind...

Read the full article and more at: Contrary Brin

13 July 2005

A View From Serbia: What if George W. Bush Was Slobodan Milosevic's Son?

This is an old article, but I must say I found it amusing. It's about the infamous 2000 Election in Florida -- from a very different viewpoint...

Read the entire article by Jeremy Scahill here

11 July 2005

THIS IS NEW and NASTY -- Targeted Trojan Email Attacks

The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) has received reports of an email based technique for spreading trojan horse programs. A trojan horse is an attack method by which malicious or harmful code is contained inside apparently harmless files. Once opened, the malicious code can collect unauthorized information that can be exploited for various purposes, or permit computers to be used surreptitiously for other malicious activity.

You can read all the details at US-CERT Technical Cyber Security Alert TA05-189A